My response to SJR24-003, “Roe v. Wade Anniversary Day”.

My comments today in the House chamber have been gathering a lot of attention
in the liberal news media as they spin this story.

I want to set the record straight.

I also have a deep respect for women and my lived experience in the attached
video illustrates this fact. I voted “NO” on this Senate Joint Resolution today.
This is a deeply personal issue for not only women but also me.

As a Pro Life Catholic, after hearing from some of my fellow Democrat legislators
supporting abortion disguised as reproductive health, I was spurred by raw
emotions and I felt obligated to tell my story and how my personal experience
surrounding this issue has deeply and personally touched me in my life.

I have lived with all aspects of this complex issue including; my mother’s choice
as she faced cervical cancer to choose life for me in 1965.

As a young Army lieutenant, choosing life by putting our beautiful baby girl up for
open adoption. And living with the saddest moment of my life, while respecting a
girlfriend’s decision against life, in my early 20s while attending college. Living
through all of this, I encourage both women and men to choose life.

I have always tried to lead by example and share not only my triumphs in life,
but also my mistakes. I share my deepest regrets to ensure that others can hear
my story and make the best choice, which is life for those who can not speak for
themselves, the unborn.

I would ask that those with questions watch my remarks in the attached video in
their entirety. I believe you will gain much needed context.
My message today is to respect women and choose life!

Representative Richard Holtorf

The video below features Holtorf sharing his reasons for voting “no” on Roe vs Wade Anniversary Day. The liberal news media has been giving significant coverage to his pro-life stance while presenting their own spin on the story. Here, we present the truth.

The Colorado channel logoThanks to The Colorado Channel for providing the video. You can view that here.